Endorphina has removed the Maori slot from the online betting market > 모바일_메인이미지

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Endorphina has removed the Maori slot from the online betting market


Endorphina's popular Maori slot released late 2016 has just been removed from the online betting market following complaints. Find out why. By the end of 2016, the entire online betting industry was boiling after the announcement of the Maori slot machine release. This game was indeed one of the most successful productions of the software provider Endorphina, which is normal given all the material and financial means that have been invested there.

The publisher's development team claims to have spent nearly a year on the design of the title, since it was necessary to incorporate elements that would allow them to better discover the theme (Maori culture). Endorphina has somehow specialized in the design of titles that deal with a particular culture, but this is obviously not well perceived by everyone.Best-Mobile-Casinos-in-Ireland-1536x878.jpg


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